Nearly $500,000 in Medical Debt Wiped Out
A quick, non-media-criticism update and correction, and a note of thanks
Thank you to everyone who donated to my Army 10 Miler run last month. Together, we were able to donate $2,500 to Undue Medical Debt.
Your generosity truly blew me away, through giving, helping share the fundraiser, or just not unsubscribing/unfollowing when I mentioned it.
I wanted to provide some incredible context around that money. Undue Medical Debt is able to eliminate 100 times (apologies, I had originally said 10 — it’s actually 100!) the amount of money donated, meaning your donations helped eliminate nearly $250,000 of debt from those burdened by the care that, in many cases, they couldn’t have lived without.
Today I learned that Undue Medical Debt is running a 2x match between now and the end of the year, and our donation is part of that. By year’s end, the money you all gave will eliminate almost $500,000 of medical debt. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
The news is particular moving to me as someone who has had medical care with a huge price tag (full story is here). I was fortunate that I didn’t have to cover the cost—I had (and continue to have) great health insurance. Many aren’t nearly as fortunate. Your donations helps other people experience the same good fortune that I did. Again, thank you.
If you’d like to support the incredible work Undue Medical Debt is doing, you can do so here:
Thank you!