My wife is friends with a few supposed journalists at various high-end NYC media cos.

What I think is important to understand is the intense amount of social fear they feel constantly, how they all monitor each other for signs of disloyalty or of heresy against the current approved narratives—it really is akin to living under the Stasi or in some other high-pressure witch-hunting environment.

The First Commandment of a member of the modern liberal media class is: Thou Shalt Not do or say a single thing that could conceivably help Trump or the Republicans, and this was more like an electrified third rail in the past two years when it seemed that a Biden v Trump rematch was inevitable.

And it doesn't matter if this is bad for the media properties in question, because obeying the First Commandment is essential to the survival of your professional and social life. It's better to remain a loyal foot soldier and official Insider in a dying outlet (you can always find another job) than to step out of line and find your entire career and social network gone forever.

The members of our MSM and our liberal class in general—esp also in culture and academia—have locked themselves inside some kind of social and psychological panopticon where everyone is watching and monitoring each other for ideological missteps and where justice is swift and cruel. If it's any consolation for all the propaganda sewage they pump into our social discourse, this is obviously a pretty miserable way to live.

But, miserable or not, I don't think this will change as long as the Orange Man roams the land.

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News has a trust issue. And this is why.

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This is a well-written article but it doesn't offer anything new. By "the Post", I assume you mean the Washington Post. The New York Post has been sounding the alarm for years. Anyone who was remotely analytical or curious saw clearly what was before them. Sorry, but too late, too little.

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Unfortunately, given the corporate media's performance on Russian collusion, the Hunter Biden laptop, the pandemic, and countless other news stories, none of this is a surprise. The only good news is that this is accelerating their own irrelevance as more and more people wake up to their gaslighting attempts and start turning to other sources of news.

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The first step to recovery from alcohol and drug abuse is for the individual to admit that he has a problem. Despite the massive decline of the legacy MSM’s credibility and business fortunes last year, they are nowhere near admitting that they have a problem so they will continue to decline. Intelligent citizens will have to become their own reporters, carefully studying primary sources of information and curating independent media (like this Substack) in order to be informed. My assumption given the evidence so far is that the MSM’s addiction to being a propaganda outlet for the left is a case of incurable terminal illness.

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The fake-news Hamas media is a cancer on this nation and needs to be destroyed.

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